Renewable Energy for your municipality, and city.

Advocacy through civility, and respect.
International Affairs, Public Policy, and Governance.

Introduction to Climate Action

At the United Nations climate change conference in Paris, COP 21, governments agreed that mobilizing stronger and more ambitious climate action is required to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. Action must come from governments, cities, regions, businesses, and investors. Everyone has a role to play in effectively implementing the Paris Agreement.

United Nations Climate Change
COP 28

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The documentary explores the question of what needs to happen in terms of politics, policies, and society to implement what is technically possible when it comes to renewable energy. To do this, the film visits two completely different places. One is in the US and the other is in Bavaria. These renewables and as a result, both now have more money today than before (DW Documentary, 2023).

Treaty-making has resulted from the following:

"Alternative energy is profitable and profitable in a huge way. We made more money than you can imagine”. Rex Parris, Mayor of Lancaster, California.

"Cities can change. We don't have a choice. I think that we have little time left to save the planet. So, we have to do whatever we can as fast as possible”. Marianne Borgen, Mayor of Oslo, Norway.

"We need to move into an economy that is renewable, circular and nature positive”. Espen Barth Eide, Norway Minister.

Energy for the future

UN Chief calls for renewable energy
Barak Obama: “We can secure a better future “ - UN Climate Change
French President Emmanuel Macron on Climate Change (C-SPAN)
UN Climate Change, Executive Secretary, Simon Stiell.
Italy introduces mandatory climate change lessons in schools. - Euronews

World Leaders Summit on Climate Change in Glasgow

Providing energy for the future

Energy is at the heart of the climate challenge, and a key to the solution.
Renewable energy sources are all around us (United Nations, 2024).
Renewable energy is cheaper (United Nations, 2024).
Renewable energy is healthier (United Nations, 2024).
Renewable energy creates jobs (United Nations, 2024).
Renewable energy makes economic sense (United Nations, 2024).


United Nations confirm that the Doctrine of Discovery was legally and morally wrong (Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues., 2012).
These doctrines were used as the moral justification for the genocide of Indigenous peoples. These doctrines are still very much present today.
The Doctrine of Discovery is a legal concept that deprived Indigenous People of their land in the colonial era. It was used by both French and English colonial powers in Canada to claim Indigenous lands and force their cultural and religious beliefs on Indigenous peoples. The Doctrine of Discovery emanates from a series of Papal Bulls originating in the 1400s, which was used as legal and moral justification for the colonial dispossession of Sovereign Indigenous Nations. The Doctrine of Discovery influenced the imposition of national, colonial laws on Indigenous peoples in Canada. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada released 94 Calls to Action in 2015, with many of them referring to the Doctrine of Discovery and calling for its repudiation (Tomchuk, 2022).

The Doctrines of Discovery were used as a moral and legal basis for:

  • Expropriating Indigenous lands (Tomchuk, 2022).
  • Claiming sovereignty over these lands (Tomchuk, 2022).

According to a video by Jim Antoine (Antoine, Doctrine of Discovery, 2023), and prints from others, these doctrines are still very much present today (Wooden, 2023).


Constitutional Talks on Self-Government

Between 1982 and 1986, a series of special constitutional conferences were held to discuss Indigenous constitutional matters. The Indigenous rights to self-government was the most prominent subject in these discussions.
The inside story of the Paris climate agreement (Figueres, 2016)
Paris Agreement (United Nations Climate Change, 2024).


United Nations confirm that the Doctrine of Discovery was legally and morally wrong (Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues., 2012).
These doctrines were used as the moral justification for the genocide of Indigenous peoples. These doctrines are still very much present today.
The Doctrine of Discovery is a legal concept that deprived Indigenous People of their land in the colonial era. It was used by both French and English colonial powers in Canada to claim Indigenous lands and force their cultural and religious beliefs on Indigenous peoples. The Doctrine of Discovery emanates from a series of Papal Bulls originating in the 1400s, which was used as legal and moral justification for the colonial dispossession of Sovereign Indigenous Nations. The Doctrine of Discovery influenced the imposition of national, colonial laws on Indigenous peoples in Canada. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada released 94 Calls to Action in 2015, with many of them referring to the Doctrine of Discovery and calling for its repudiation (Tomchuk, 2022).

The Doctrines of Discovery were used as a moral and legal basis for:

  • Expropriating Indigenous lands (Tomchuk, 2022).
  • Claiming sovereignty over these lands (Tomchuk, 2022).

According to a video by Jim Antoine (Antoine, Doctrine of Discovery, 2023), and prints from others, these doctrines are still very much present today (Wooden, 2023).


Climate Action Plan

United Nations Secretariat Climate Action Plan 2020-2030 (United Nations Secretariat, 2019).
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Track 1

Intensification aims at accelerating current efforts. The main focus would be on behavioural change linked to consumption, energy efficiency, connection to existing renewable grids where possible, and some limited renewable energy self-generation.

Track 2

Innovation would be a major new effort focused on innovation and complex solutions that require external interventions and partnerships, including, scaling up new technology and purchasing renewable energy in field locations from private or public sector-owed renewable energy facilities.

Track 3

Internal and external outreach would support Track 1 and Track 2 with sustained communication and educational campaigns to effect institutional change and facilitate resource mobilization efforts.

Eight Targets for UN Secretariat Climate Action

Carbon emissions: Absolute and per capita reduction of 25% by 2025 and 45% by 2030.
Electricity consumption: Per capita reduction of 20% by 2025 and 35% by 2030.
Renewable energy: 40% by 2025 and 80% by 2030 of consumed electricity.
Commercial air travel: Per capita emissions reductions of 10% by 2025 and 15% by 2030.
Events: 100% of events (over 300 participants) meet established sustainability standards.
Climate neutrality: 100% of unavoidable carbon emissions are offset yearly from 2019 via certified carbon credits.
Operational efficiencies: demonstrated long-term economic benefits from the Plan implementation.
Sustainable Development co-benefits: demonstrated increase in climate-smart infrastructure and other sustainable development benefits to local communities from Plan implementation.

There is also potential for direct economic and sustainable development co-benefits from the Plan in the form of:

Energy is at the heart of the climate challenge, and a key to the solution.
Long-term operational efficiencies for the Secretariat: The transition to climate-smart operations (i.e. climate-friendly infrastructure, clean and affordable energy, other low carbon, and innovative solutions). These may come from lower energy consumption and self-generation of renewable energy after an initial period of significant investment as well as low-cost electricity from third-party renewable grids facilitated under the Plan’s implementation (United Nations Secretariat, 2019).
Improved Integration of UN entity joint operations at the country level: Two of the ongoing and planned solutions to improve coherence, cost-effectiveness and impact are shared facilities and shared services. Transportation, electricity generation and facilities management are services that could be improved through enhanced cooperation (United Nations Secretariat, 2019).
Positive impact on the communities where the UN Secretariat is present: The Plan aims to serve as a catalyst for increased support to climate-related national efforts. (United Nations Secretariat, 2019)

Business and policy leaders join Harvard Business School faculty to discuss what businesses are doing, can do, and should do to confront climate change.

How Boards Can Drive Climate Performance 

Harvard Business School: Business & Environment

Providing energy for the future (Decarbonization, the use of low-carbon).

Energy is at the heart of the climate challenge, and a key to the solution.

  1.     Renewable energy sources are all around us (United Nations, 2024). 
  2.     Renewable energy is cheaper (United Nations, 2024).
  3.     Renewable energy is healthier (United Nations, 2024).
  4.     Renewable energy creates jobs (United Nations, 2024).
  5.     Renewable energy makes economic sense (United Nations, 2024).
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Affordable and Clean Energy

Decarbonization is the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions through the use of low-carbon power sources. It is accomplished by shifting to the usage of low-carbon energy resources. This involves the use of renewable energy resources like wind power, solar power, and other renewable resources alongside cleaner technologies (e.g. Electric vehicles). This will support a Net Zero future.

Net Zero means achieving a balance between the amount of emissions produced and those removed from the atmosphere to reduce global warming. Join the movement for a carbon-free energy future (United Nations, 2024). 

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Hope: Climate Change views from various protagonists.

What is climate change? - The Climate Question, BBC World Service

WA Government climate change legislation video

Government of Western Australia

Department of Water and Environmental Regulation

The Western Australian State Government has committed to introducing climate change legislation to contribute to national and global goals for decarbonization, provide certainty for businesses, and attract the investment required to transition to net zero greenhouse gas emissions.

New UN Climate Change Initiatives

Initiatives born out of the UN 2019 Climate Summit are making progress in the fight against climate change, but much more still needs to be done.